Dear Lactnet followers,
Once again I would like your assistance. I have permission to post. My client has a six month old that has been refusing one side for several months. She did not pay a lot of attention to it until she became very lopsided.
One side A cup to D cup on producing side. When this was first noticeable I suggested she pump and hand express on that side. She can still get milk but very little. He still refuses to nurse on that side.
She has been addiing whole grains and does well with diet and fluids.
Her question to me was should she start Reglan? My beliefs is that because the one side is functioning well it will still either increase that side or will not help at all since her levels may be ok.
Our physicians are not big on drawing prolactin levels because they feel if they are low you are going to treat it anyway.
I did refer her to as this web site has a lot of wonder information.
Any suggestions would be appreciated and feel free to email me privately as well.
Terri Klein RN IBCLC RLC
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