Hello all,
I have a lovely mom and almost 10 week old baby I just saw this morning.
Previous MD and IBCLC consults did not identify this baby's obvious tongue
limitation. Now mom is about to leave for family visit to the Bay area,
tomorrow, and is wondering if there is a referral anyone of you wise people
uses, that I can share with her. She did make the first available appt here in
NYC, which is not until after she's back, the 22nd. She's been struggling
through pain, jaundice, early weight loss, formula supplementation that
made baby miserable, mastitis and a breast abscess with two ABX plus 2 courses
of Cipro, pumping, for such a long time already. This baby so wants to
nurse but fatigues out. If anyone has a referral I can pass on, that would be
Judy LeVan Fram, PT, IBCLC, LLLL
Brooklyn, NY, USA
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