Dear Friends:
The doctor claiming that babies can get anaphylactic shock from
breastfeeding needs to know that while that has been documented, the baby
reacted to the cow milk protein in the mother's milk.
*Anaphylactic Shock Due to Cow's Milk Protein Hypersensitivity in a
Breast-Fed Infant.*
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition. 7(1):141-144,
January/February 1988.
*Lifschitz, Carlos H.; Hawkins, Hal K.; Guerra, Celine; Byrd, Nancy *
Summary: A newborn infant developed anaphylactic shock three times, once
after ingesting his mother's milk and once after ingesting a formula
containing casein hydrolysate. Symptoms resolved after cow's milk was
withdrawn from the mother's diet and lactation was resumed. The case
demonstrates that anaphylactic shock may occur in breast-fed infants and
emphasizes the need to consider allergic phenomena even in these infants.
It's the formulas with the highly process proteins that are a danger.
Martin-Esteban said that the first dose of a hypoallergenic formula should
be given in a medical setting, to treat a possible anaphylaxis. This next
section is cut and pasted from an AAP document:
"Formulas based on partially hydrolyzed cow's milk proteins...... have
provoked significant reactions in a high percentage of infants allergic to
cow's milk33,34 and are not intended to be used to treat cow's milk
allergy. Extensively
hydrolyzed formulas have also provoked allergic reactions in infants
allergic to cow's milk,17,18 but at least 90% of these infants tolerate
extensively hydrolyzed formulas as well as the more recently introduced free
amino acid-based infant formulas. Although the majority of infants with
colic will *not* *(Nikki's emphasis here)* respond to a hypoallergenic
formula, those with severe colic may benefit from a 1- to 2-week trial of a
hypoallergenic formula.7;106/2/346
Here's the Martin-Esteban paper abstract:
*Evaluation of an Extensively Hydrolyzed Casein-Whey Protein Formula in
Immediate Cow's Milk Protein Hypersensitivity.*
*Original Articles*
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology & Nutrition. 26(4):398-401, April
*Martin-Esteban, Manuel; Garcia-Ara, Maria Carmen; Banque-Molas, Montserrat
*; Boyano-Martinez, Maria Teresa; Martin-Munoz, Flor; Diaz-Pena, Jose Maria
"Conclusions: This extensively hydrolyzed casein-whey protein formula is
generally safe to feed children with immediate hypersensitivity to cow's
milk. However, it is advisable that the first intakes be given under direct
medical supervision, in that the occurrence of adverse reactions in highly
sensitive infants cannot be unequivocally excluded.."
Nikki Lee
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