On behalf of Valerie, who is not currently subscribed to LN, I am posting
this. The rest of the post is hers.
Valerie writes:
I am not sure I understand Liz Brooks post on Lansinoh Products in which she
states, "The corporate structure and governance at Lansinoh remains
"firewalled"--the same guys that ran that shop when it was bought are still
running the shop." Pigeon has a pdf file online that would call into
question the belief that Lansinoh is "firewalled." On page 8 of this
document they state, "Then, in 2004, we transformed the US-based Lansinoh
Laboratories, Inc into a consolidated subsidiary to expand our markets in
China, North America, & Europe." The map on that same page is entitled
Pigeon Overseas Facilities and Lansinoh in on the map of the USA. So it
would seem that Pigeon believes that Lansinoh is part of their facilities
and Lansinoh is one of the stepping stones to the expansion of the Pigeon
Company into North America.
At the alacra store, a business information website source, they mention
that Lansinoh Laboratories Inc., a unit of Pigeon Corp., acquired Soothies
Gel Pads...from Puranyx, Inc...... "Unit" is the description this
business information website uses. I find myself hard pressed to consider
a unit something separate, a company firewalled away from the "parent"
company. At buzzillions.com there is a product labeled "Pigeon Industried
Lansinoh 60ct Disposable Nursing Pad." One can vote on the pros and cons of
this product. Thus advertising on some websites does not show a firewall
between Pigeon and Lansinoh.
Of interest to all lactation consultants should be pigeon's website on
pacifiers & teethers. The second to the last sentence in this ad states,
"More than a soother to your baby, the Pigeon Pacifers act as a training
tool to enable your baby to nurse properly and wean correctly."
Perhaps, ILCA might consider revisiting this issue? Valerie W. McClain,
Valerie W. McClain, IBCLC
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