Theresa has asked about formula marketing practices and the Federal Trade Commission. The National Alliance for Breastfeeding Advocacy (NABA) along with the Cornucopia Institute has filed a petition to the FTC regarding the false and misleading advertising of DHA in infant formula. I was contacted by an attorney for the FTC asking for more detailed examples of such advertising which I sent along with a letter explaining the extent of the problem. I am happy to email that letter to anyone who is interested.
If you would like to help in this endeavor you can go to the FTC website at and submit your own complaint about formula ads. If the FTC gets enough complaints it has more motivation to investigate. They will not do this on their own without public outcry. If you are fed up with formula marketing claims this is an important way to voice your objection. We need to be complaining to others beside those of us on Lactnet!
Marsha Walker, RN, IBCLC
Weston, MA
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