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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Christina <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 13 Mar 2009 03:56:03 -0400
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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (101 lines)
I am having a hard time supporting a mom with a very resistant 
oversupply, so I will be happy if you help me - as always! - to see what 
I am missing.

It is a first time mom, baby 4 months old. In the hospital mom got the 
usual information - nurse on one breast and then pump *both* breasts 
until they are completely soft (don't start me on this... I feel ashamed 
even to mention it, but that's common advice in our hospitals - pump 
both breasts after feeds or your milk will stop). 

So mom follows this advice and pumps dilligently both breasts after 
every feed despite using only one breast per feeding. Needles to say 
that results in an oversupply and exhausts her completely. 

First case of mastitis follows at 2 months, resolved with antibiotics and 
more pumping. Strong OAMER, baby gags - she pumps 50 ml before 
feeding to make feedins more comfortable for baby and then about 50 
to 100 ml to make the breast soft after baby has fed. Mom feeds on 
one breast only, baby's weight gain is WNL, not too much - about 700-
900 gr per month.

Some weeks ago a friend mentions to her that maybe she has an 
oversupply, mom digs out information about block feedings on the 
internet, stops pumping cold turkey in order to try it - and gets another 
mastitis. She begins taking antibiotics again, gets an awful diarrhia 
from them and stops them per doctor's advice after 6 days. Mom is 
getting plugs continuously ever since, even when she restarted 
pumping. No mastitis - just plugs, low grade fever, swollen hot areas in 
the breasts which require more pumping to clear...

Breasts fill very rapidly - she cannot stay even 3 hours without 
pumping for comfort and in order to achieve comfort without draining 
she pumps about 50 ml... Nights are a nightmare - she pumps for relief 
every 2 hours or they get rockhard with lumps and it takes her more 
than 24 hours with complete draining of the breast to resolve the 
blockages. This mom has not slept more than an hour straight for 2 
weeks now...

2 weeks ago she started cabage leaves and sage tea, first 1 cup per 
24 hours. After a week of this there is some improvement during the 
day (she only needs to pump 20-50 ml from the unused breast to 
achieve comfort), but nights are the same nightmare. Sage tea to 2 
cups, one during the day and one at night, for 5 days running - not 
much difference for her.

She got a very painful blockage in one breast yesterday and she will be 
seen today for it. I am very concerned with this blockage as she only 
got 6 days of antibiotics for her mastitis because of the diarrhia. I have 
no doubt she will get the advice to pump more to clear it if it is only a 

So - what else we could try? Would staying on 2 cups of sage tea be 
safe for so long - it will diminish her supply further, but it does not help 
the blockages she gets. Lecithin is not an option - mom's diarrhia has 
not been resolved and mom says lecithin aggravates it. She didn't see 
improvement with lecithin even prior to this though.

Mom is reluctant to drop pumpings because of the blockages she gets 
when she tries to go even 3-4 hours without pumping.

We talked about visiting an endocrinologist - she had no trouble 
getting pregnant or with the pregnancy itself, but she had some minor 
issues in the past (very painful breasts before period with sometimes 
drops leaking - before getting pregnant! and mild hirsutism too), but all 
her hormones came out normal when she was tested. 

I know this could change after a pregnancy and I am aware that 
normal hormone levels in the past does not mean they are normal 
now. So she will go to the endocrinologist and hopefully she will get 
her normones tested. But in the meantime - what could we do to make 
things more comfortable for her?

She got a prescription for a low dose of bromocryptin after the first 
bout of mastitis, but her prolactin levels were not tested and she didn't 
want to use it for fear she could risk not only lowering but losing her 

I feel now as desperate as she is. I don't know if it is normal for 
leveling out the milk supply to go so slowly. In fact, after writing it all 
out I can see the progress mom has made in the past 2 weeks but it 
has never taken so long for any mom I have worked with. And I am still 
very concerned about why she gets plugs even when milk supply has 
gone relatively down - maybe it needs more down regulation to 

I will be very grateful for any suggestions.

Christina in Bulgaria,
BF Peer Councellor


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