Hi All
On the cover of the latest edition of Field Exchange is a photograph of a
bottle that I took whilst in Myanmar. It is crawling with maggots. The
mother who was using it was neither irresponsible nor negligent - and her
bottle was not unusual. She was in fact trying to keep her baby alive. She
knew that she should clean the bottle but it was simply not possible for her
to do so.
Let me assure you that it matters not what fluid is fed to a child from a
maggot infested bottle. The bottle itself is deadly. If the fluid in the
bottle is not human milk (and the child is less than 6 months old), then the
bottle and the fluid are co-conspirators.
Yes, the bottle is a tool that can be useful under circumstances where it
can be adequately disinfected. There are risks associated with their use.
These risks should be explained to mothers so that they can weigh these
risks against other relevant issues. Bottles are neither the only nor the
safest way to deliver fluid to an infant. Mothers should be informed that
there are other, probably safer, options.
Nina Berry
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