In today's NY Times, there is an interesting article on the way women treat
other women in the workplace. It's called " A
Sisterhood of Workplace Infighting" by Peggy Klaus. I think it sheds light
on the way that women treat other women in the workplace and why, and would
be interesting for us all to contemplate as we focus on bettering our own
positions, interactions, and relationships at work and elsewhere. I remember
in Kathleen Auerbach and Jan Riordan's first book, there was a section on
workplace interaction, and there was a statement about work being like
"Swimming with the sharks." I never had thought of it that way but as a
nurse, it did seem to fit the dynamic. Interesting reading and
Kindly, Kathleen Bruce RN IBCLC
Kathleen Bruce RN IBCLC
Independent consultant:
Lactation Resources of Vermont, Medela, Inc. Listowner Lactnet listserv
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