I understood it to be meant as an inverted nipple everter. It will probably work fine for that, but I'd rather not recommend moms to spend 7,5 euro's for that purpose, where all kinds of maneuvers will do the trick as well or not. One could use manual nipple stretching techniques or a pump that is available or a toddler or helpfull partner. Or use state of the art attachment techniques to have the child go over the nipple area right onto the wider breast tissue to form the teat.
Gonneke, IBCLC, MOM in sunny southern Netherlands
--- On Fri, 4/24/09, Nikki Lee <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
From: Nikki Lee <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: [LACTNET] advertising: a necessary evil?
To: [log in to unmask]
Date: Friday, April 24, 2009, 1:55 PM
Dear Friends:
The entire back outside cover of the May JHL is an advertisement for the
Lansinoh "Latch Assist." (This used to be marketed in Asia as the Pigeon
company's 'nipple puller'.) It is touted as the perfect tool to use in cases
of postpartum engorgement, when the usual methods of resolving engorgement
are"cumbersome and time consuming."
Does anyone know of any research about this product? I am thinking of a
tightly stretched breast, so taut that the nipple is flattened and imagining
that the strong suction (strong enough to make a teat on my cheek when I've
handled one of these devices) on stretched skin could cause injury..
craniosacral therapy practitioner
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