Renee writes:
Another candidate thought the room was too chilly and said she couldn't
concentrate. Because the exam room was in a large hospital, I had no control of
that...but candidates are told in their first instructions to bring a
sweater with them in the event it should be needed.
~ A side note perhaps, but when I recertified at the 10 year mark, the room
was freezing, and you know how cold a room has to be to feel freezing when
many of the people in it are peri-menopausal/menopausal women...:) I would go
beyond sweater and say bring real socks. It was hot outside that day and some
who wore sandals said their feet were really uncomfortable. I went out and
bought a heavy pair of socks which I wore during the second half of the exam! :)
Judy LeVan Fram, PT, IBCLC, LLLL
Brooklyn, NY, USA
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