Hello all,
I have (and am daily receiving) inquiry's about the guidlines or (job
description) for newly hired LC's, its become more than I can reply to
personally. I will have to come up with a way to post it here on lactnet with
some general guidelines. Unless you want to send a self addressed stamped
envelope. But, this is becoming more than I can handle to be honest. So, let
me review what we have written and i will do my best to put it here on the
List. I'm really sorry, but it is become more than I can do for the 10 plus folks
that have sent inquiries off list. I will post it as soon as possible. I have a
graduating senior and am up to my gills with senior proms, college applications,
final projects, odering announcements, meeting deadlines, sober grad night,
end of track season parties, etc , etc, yada, yada, I'm such a whiner. sorry,
i sucummbed to senioritis... I should be thankful ......she's graduating!..... :)
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