I thought this was a very nice editorial from the LA Times... http://articles.latimes.com/2009/01/13/editorial_pages/ed-breastfeed13 However, they have stated yet again that "breast is best!" Maybe if enough of us write a short little note reminding them to "watch their language" they would print one or two (especially if written by those of you who have those handy and well earned initials after your name). Here is the link to leave a comment... http://www.latimes.com/news/opinion/editorials/la-edw-breastfeeding13-2009jan13-gb,0,6117897.graffitiboard or email [log in to unmask] Joylyn Souter *********************************************** Archives: http://community.lsoft.com/archives/LACTNET.html To reach list owners: [log in to unmask] Mail all list management commands to: [log in to unmask] COMMANDS: 1. To temporarily stop your subscription write in the body of an email: set lactnet nomail 2. To start it again: set lactnet mail 3. To unsubscribe: unsubscribe lactnet 4. To get a comprehensive list of rules and directions: get lactnet welcome