I can imagine that the cysts and/or the dimpled nipple did something to decrease flow-ability (can't think of the correct English word) of the milk ducts in or just behind the nipple.
Gonneke, IBCLC, LLLL in southern Netherlands
john PANZER <[log in to unmask]> wrote:<...>
questions: how might nipple anomaly/hx of cysts bring to bear on let down/output? 12 hours with no attempts to remove milk is trouble for building/maintaining supply, but why should milk removal have been so difficult? Yes baby has tt but mother's problems are only on right side? What else could I have done? I have advised mother that she can make a full supply on left and that many women have a side that produces more than the other. baby is gaining and scheduled for frenuplasty. but this mother wants more answers than I have....
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