I'm enjoying this little thread. I have 3 kids so I'll keep it down to three
Youngest child Mike at age 3, watching a March of Dimes movie with a
withdrawing baby in the arms of a neonatalogist. IN agitation, he asked,
"WHY doesn't she give that baby nuhnuhs!!!!"
Middle daughter Blythe about age 5. Walked up to a mom and said, "Your baby
is beautiful. She must be breastfed!"
Oldest daughter Phoebe discussing her nursing toddler with her partner. "You
tell me you want him to have the kind of relationship I have with my
parents. The breastfeeding is part of the deal."
They are now 21, 24 and 27. They truly get it. Thank God I found LLL!
Dawn Kersula in Vermont
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