OK, I never thought I would have to deal with this. We have a mom w/ babe
in NICU (doing well) but mom insists on not only breastfeeding her baby
openly (no curtains or screens) because she states she gets claustrophobic
and it is her right to BF in public (in OR). Some of our nurses are getting
very upset about this and it has become a REAL BIG ISSUE to them. The mom
has been offered a cover cape & sometimes uses it but mostly just lifts up
her shirt. It has come down to some of the staff saying this is indecent
exposure & they are offended by being subjected to her "lewdness". I just
hoping this baby would get better and go home and we'd be done w/ it. I see
where WA has laws to cover pumping but I cannot find anything in OR dealing
with this. Our social worker wants to draft a policy to protect a mother's
right to BF/Pump so no one will get harassed in the future and maybe a
reality check for the staff. I say, this reflects our (the NICU) culture
and attitudes towards BF and it shows in our stats. And there are bigger
things in which to worry. So fellow Lactnuts, what say you? Email me,
quickly at [log in to unmask] as we do want to get on this asap. I am brain
dead from the whole thing.
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