I think Marianne made some profound observations in her recent post:
".... I usually prefer problem solving to symptom fighting .......... we try
to solve problems that, in the first place, arose because of the societal
problem of lack of knowledge about baby behaviour and baby needs......."
It's sad that so many mothers nowadays expect their babies to feed at
greater intervals than they themselves eat or drink. The fact that
breastfeeding is so much more than food is such a difficult concept for many
new mothers to grasp. Sadly I hear mothers labelling their babies as
"naughty", "spoilt" or "lazy" on day one!
I find that if we can support mothers to just go with the flow for the first
6 weeks or so - the baby then weaves its magic and many mothers then "get
it" and their concerns re schedules no longer seem so important. But this
is *hard* work. It's much easier to help a mother fix a painful latch!
Jean Ridler RN RM IBCLC
South Africa [log in to unmask]
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