I would like to know if any of you are working in training hospitals with OBs. I really think birth-breastfeeding will only get worse as I don't think new doctors are going to be trained in skills that my husband was trained in 25 years ago. I doubt there are many resident trainers doing external cephalic versions, vaginal twins, primigravida breech presentation births, or any breech births today. (because of malpractice) Personally at our institution my husband is the only one who will do a ECV. So all breech moms are sectioned, and many first time moms have c-sections due to failure to progress and then it is impossible to talk them into a VBAC. I also think forceps are a thing of the past in the U.S. My husband's c-section rate in Maine was about 10 percent.
Feeling depressed due to our high repeat c-section rate in January. Karen G birthed five beautiful babes at home
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