This is what you are looking for:
Colic and Food Allergy in the Breastfed Infant: Is It Possible for an
Exclusively Breastfed Infant to Suffer From Food Allergy?
Barbra Schach and Michael Haight
Journal of Human Lactation, 2 2002; vol. 18: pp. 50 - 52.
...maternal ingestion of pancreatic enzymes. J Pediatr Gastroenterol
Nutr...a preliminary study using Pancrease. 21 The breastfeeding
mother...mother also begins taking two Pancrease MT4-strength tablets with
each meal and one with each snack. Pancrease is a digestive enzyme that...
Lisa Marasco, who is also fascinated with this therapy and would like to
hear the outcome if you try it.
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