biphelnol-A is a real concern from ANY polycarbonate, including that
which avent is made from. including all of the 'nalgene' clear and
brightly colored water bottles that adtuls drink from.
it doesn't need to be melted. warm is sufficient. the industry has
skewed their published data to give the impression that bisphenols are
1) not a public health risk 2)not leaching under normal use.
there are many many more studies showing that the risk is real. I'm
not sure what the answer is into bottles and pumps. maybe someone
else does.
ideally, no one will be using any plastic other than 1,2,5 (and 4 if
there are no other options) for any food use (storage or serving).
ideally, any heating of a food would occur in a non-plastic container.
that would be exceptionally challenging wrt pumping, storing milk
and feeding the baby frozen milk.
Katherine in atl
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