Just a quick question. If a mom has significant engorgment that remains
unresolved after repeated ice, cabbage, massage is there a point where
pumping is contraindicated? I worry about creating even more discomofort by
pumping, when clearly the oxytocin response is diminished..... this is in
realtion to a mom who could not get baby latched on the one side due to very
large nipple and engorged breast.
A midwife told one of my moms to do very deep massage ( not especially
gentle ) and keep pumping, as opposed to hand expression, even though she
kept getting just drops of milk at each session. This mom is the one from
the post about a week an a half ago. I'm back from vacation now and
planning to contact this mom today.
LuAnn Smith RN, BSN, IBCLC
York, PA
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