I think the education of the importance of breastfeeding is undermined
everyday by our bottlefeeding is normal culture. Dr Jack Newman and Diane
Weissinger (sp?) are more eloquent than I at showing how ingrained it truly is.
But, until we are able, from the ground up, teach people breastfeeding is
normal, not more special, more better, more whatever...just run of the mill, to be
expected like breathing, breastfeeding will be this battle. We should not
have to "promote breastfeeding" like we "promote non-smoking" One is not equal
to the other. It is a hard daily battle, but I try everyday with my little
girls to normalize breastfeeding into everything we do.
Case in point, very astutely recognized by my coworker last night.
SGA baby, low temps, low dexes after delivery...never went to
NICU..why...listed as formula feeding on "chalkboard"... so no worries about making this
baby eat enough to bring her dexes up, even though they kept dropping!
This mom was actually wanting to breastfeed, so we got her nursing and then
everyone was more diligent and talking about the NICU for these dexes that
wouldn't rise after breastfeeding. Of course, once I pointed out to the night
nurse how the levels had fluctuated greatly over previous 12 hours with
formula, she relaxed a little and just continued to watch the baby!
It is a hard daily battle we all fight!
feeling wordy this early morning!...
Cheryl Parrott RN, BSN, IBCLC
in Kokomo, Indiana
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