If I may piggyback on John's request: I have been wondering if there
is any kind of estimate out there on how many LCs should be available
in the community based on number of births. I have seen numbers for
LCs in hospitals stated as FTEs per 1000 births, but I am interested
in *all* LCs including community based.
Many women in my city actually give birth in hospitals in neighboring
towns due to insurance issues. Also, there are many homebirths here
compared to other parts of the US. Thus, the hospital's annual birth
numbers are not a good basis for figuring the amount of LC support
that is potentially needed in this city.
Is there a population-based estimate for how many LCs a community can support?
Longmont, CO
>As last resort, I could use staffing patterns that medical facilities might
>use to hire lactation consultants based upon the number of prenatal
>patients in their average census. Does anyone know if such staffing
>yardsticks exist?
>John Lute
>Public Health Nutritionist
>WIC Program
>Central New York Regional Office
>217 South Salina Street
>Syracuse, New York 13202
>VM: (315) 477-8132 Fax: (315) 477-8581
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