Karn-grace wrote (about using a hot mayo jar to release milk):
>Cool...hadn't heard of this one before!
I believe I first saw it in the *blue* edition of the Womanly Art of
Breastfeeding (which shows my age!)
>But...just out of curiosity: What if it doesn't work, or what if the
mom finds the suction too uncomfortable? How does one safely 'break
the latch' of a glass *mouth*? (Asked with a smirk, but genuinely
wanting to know! ;~>)
If it doesn't work, there is no harm done. However, it usually DOES
work, and is certainly worth trying!
It is a very gentle suction - I have never heard of anyone being hurt
by using this method.
The mother can release the suction in the same way she detaches a baby
from the breast, by gently inserting a finger between her breast and
(in this case) the glass.
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