I rent 70 hives to a grower in NJ. This past spring I took in the 70
colonies at different times like probably a week to 2 weeks apart. each yard
having 15 colonies and one with 10. I went yesterday to treat for mites and
put in tera-patties and I lost about 19 colonies. the average loss was 4 per
yard. There were not 19 actual dead maybe 10 actual dead colonies and the
rest were not dead just needed to be combined. I believe its from what ever
pesticide the grower is using. There were lots of dead bees out front of the
hives and on the bottom boards. On the other hand there were some hives that
were super strong and looked great. on a whole they seemed to be weak. and
lots of dead bees. So any way my question is for pollinators what if any are
some pesticides I can suggest to this grower that are not as lethal to the
bees, hes growing squash, peppers, cucumbers, mellons etc. mostly all

also anyone who pollinates in or near swedesboro, NJ what is the going rate
per hive in that area ?

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