Could anyone give advice on how we could turn our bees' wax into
candles?. Is there a melter that efficiently and economically melts wax
for multiple pours into molds (which we have).

We have hundreds of pounds of the beeswax, and as we have moved towards
the plastic insert foundation, we are not trading the wax for beeswax
foundation anymore. With the price of wax so low on the market, I would
like to explore candles. It does not seem to be economical to melt the
wax on my electric range, and we do not run a wood stove in the shop
enough to be able to plan to get some energy economically for this to
heat the wax.

Thank you.

Todd D. Hardie

Honey Gardens Apiaries
51 So. Maple St.
Vergennes, VT 05491
tel 802-877-6952