About 4 Weeks ago I noticed that one of my hives was no longer producing
brood. At that time I checked for the queen and found she was present. I
shrugged this off as some natural slow down. While again checking the
hives about 14 days ago I noticed this hive still had no brood and while
the other hives had cast out the drones this hive still had many drones
present.  I supplied the hive with a frame of brood of various stages.
While checking the hives this week I noticed two capped queen cells built
off this frame. I immediately  ordered a new queen and she arrived today.
I removed the attendants from the queen cage and proceeded to install the
cage into the problem hive. When I removed the frame with the queen cells
I noticed both had emerged. I checked the frame and found the old queen
walking about, I crushed her to the new queen cage. When I continued
checking the frame I found a virgin queen and crushed her to the new
queens cage also. A brief check of the adjoining frames did not reveal
any additional queens. I then placed the new queens cage between two
frames and closed the hive. Now my question: Did I do everything right ?
This late in the season I do not believe I will get another opportunity
to re-queen this hive. I appreciate any opinions.
Greg Z
Mystic, CT
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