On  5 May 98 at 11:58, Nick Shilliff wrote:
> I would like  your input, based on your experience,on which type of
> cell builder works best-swarm box type or cells in the top box over
> a queen excluder with the queen in the bottom box or a full size
> queenless colony.I am in upstate NY and planning 20 cells at a time.
Over the years we've tried them all. We do find bigger cells, a
bigger take and more consistent results with a queenless cell
         It's easy to arrange. Make up a split with the old queen and as
much open brood as possible, move her to a different part of the
yard. All the flight bees will return boosting the cell builder, you
need as many as possible,bulging would be a good term.
        We make the cell builder late today, and graft early tomorrow.
Feed 1-1 syrup, check for stray cells in 48 hours and again 48 hours
later and cut them out. Shake the bees off the frames to get a real
good look.
        One final point. Add a frame of foundation to the box. It will
prevent web being formed around the cells.
        Finally don't be greedy, we use the maximum graft of 45 per builder.
If you need more than that, make more cell builders.
The Bee Works, 9 Progress Dr, Unit 2,
Orillia, Ontario, L3V 6H1
Phone/fax  705-326-7171
David Eyre, Owner.
e-mail <[log in to unmask]>