Just thought I'd pass along the result of my hive inspection yesterday.
It was a 76 degree day here in central Indiana and I placed on the hives (5)
sugar water with medication. The bees have wintered  well and seems to have
build up good this spring thus far.
I did do something that I will not do again; I left a super of honey on each
the hive because I thought that they needed the extra over the winter. They
did not, though some of it has been eaten, most have 10-30 lb. of capped
honey. In some of the honey supers the Queen has laid eggs and of course the
bees refuse to leave. This has left me with the choice of removing them any
way or putting them back on. This happened in 2 out of 5, not bad I guess but
I will not do that again as I now have supers of brood that I do not want.
I hope take El Nino has been as good to your hives. ( I have read that El Nino
has brought devastation to some)
Take care and GBYA
Thanks to all on this list for all the good information you have provided to
me this past season.
Dave in Indiana