Allan Dick Wrote:
>We have never treated for tracheal mite, although we have had infestations
>averaging around 10% or less for the last several years.  The thing we did
>do differently this past year is that we fed pollen supplement all spring
>and also used medicated grease patties.  As a result of the latter, we did
>not see *any* (zero) AFB in the whole outfit last year.  Usually we see a
>hive or two with a touch of this minor nuisance.  As a result of the
>pollen supplement, we were able to split heavily and also we did not see
>any small bees, as we usually do -- except in a few hives that refused
>their rations when we omitted pollen in the patties.
>Needless to say, we will be feeding supplement heavily again this year.
On the supplement feeding what is your mixture?
Or have you already posted it?
Ivan McGill
Prince George, B.C.