I'm posting this note as a friendly request, as I have noticed an increase
in "personal traffic" on BEE-L. This list will remain useful and interesting
only if we all cooperate to maintain a high "signal to noise ratio" i.e. lots of
interesting, high value, broadly applicable messages, with a minimum of
messages that are of interest to only one or two people.
Please be careful using the "REPLY" button - for most BEE-L messages,
the REPLY button will send your response to everyone on the list. That is
fine if the message will be of broad interest, but if the message is
intended for just one person, please send the message direct to them by
replacing the BEE-L address in the To: field with the individual's e-mail
address. Everyone on the list will appreciate not having to delete your
personal conversations.
Think before you mail! Thanks for listening. And thanks for all the
interesting discussions.
Rick Hough,
[log in to unmask]
A BEE-L lurker