Greetings All,
"Natural Order" a novel by Jonathan Penner (ISBN 0-671-66423-9) is a story
about a beekeeper struggling to save a family buisiness. His love and loyalty
are split between his wife and former wife. His son has entered a cult group
led by a malevolent gru.
By this book was given to me by my wife about 7 years ago. As it turns out
Jonathan Penner the author, was my literature instructor at Housatonic
Community College here in Connecticut in the late 60's. (when she purchased
the book she didn't know this).  If anyone had told me back then that I would
become a beekeeper (I didn't take up beekeping until 1985) and come to love
bees I would have told them that they were crazy. I find it amazing the way
certain events in our lives are intertwined.
Ralph Harrison
Western CT Beekeepers Association
Milford, CT USA