New Release: BK-Economics 1.2 For Windows and Macintosh About the Software BK-Economics is a software package that was developed by a team of scientists at the Carl Hayden Bee Research Center in Tucson, Arizona to assist commercial beekeepers in streamlining their business practices. This software allows beekeepers to simulate years of business, taking into account factors like equipment purchases, labor force, transportation, marketing strategies, loans, honey flow, and other hive products without taking the usual risks. This software, when used in combination with the marketing strategy information in publication, can help beekeepers formulate a successful business plan when making financial decisions, expanding an operation or just starting out. To obtain a copy of this software, please read the following sections pertaining to the type of computer and operating systems software that you have. Click on the appropriate "Mail Me" button for ordering instructions. This software is a product of USDA research and is offered AT NO COST to anyone. For more information on the most recent release of BK-Economics, consult the September 1997 issue of Gleenings in Bee Culture magazine for an article on the software and useful marketing strategies for beekeepers. Version 1.2 for Windows 3.11/'95/NT <Mail Me A Copy (Windows) The software is available in a six-disk set for installation on computers running Windows versions 3.11, '95 and NT. A minimum of 8MB RAM is required and the program occupies approximately 20MB of disk space. The Windows version comes with runtime Interactive Help to guide the user while running simulations. Version 1.2 for Macintosh & PowerMacintosh <Mail Me A Copy (Macintosh) The software is available in a four-disk set for installation on Macintosh and PowerMacintosh computers running System 7.x and higher. A minimum 6MB RAM free is required (8MB RAM free recommended) and the installation occupies approximately 20MB of disk space. Using virtual memory with the PowerMac version will lower the memory requirements of the software. The Macintosh version comes with runtile Interactive Help to guide the user while running simulations.