Hi all
I was just reading about the so called record honey harvest of 400
pounds'ish. Reading through a book called 'Beekeeping in Southern
Africa' it refers to an apairy located in the saligna plantations of
the kwazulu natal (sub-tropical region) area. Of two hundred hives
analyzed for honey production the average was about 150kilograms
(prob about 300 pounds) with the best hive producing 240kg (480
pounds). This would probably mean that the world record for honey
production probably sits quietly unknown somewhere in africa or south
Just a thought.
Keep well
Garth Cambray       "Opinions expressed in this post may be those
15 Park Road         of Pritz, my cat, who knows a lot about
Grahamstown          catfood."
6140                       *[log in to unmask]*
South Africa               Phone 27-0461-311663
In general, generalisations are bad.
But don't worry BEEEEEE happy.