I've done some more editing on the home page for the Top Bar Hive
Beekeeping website at
I have created a compilation of the links to plans on the website and to
those I know of on other websites.  If you are looking for plans, check on
these.  Be sure to read the text associated with the plans...you'll get a
lot of useful information.
I have a half dozen other sources of plans that I hope to scan and post
eventually if I can get permission from the publications.
Hope your summer or winter is going well for you wherever you are.
Cordially yours,
  |  James D. Satterfield        |  E-Mail: [log in to unmask]        |
  |  258 Ridge Pine Drive        --------------------------------|
  |  Canton, GA 30114, USA        Canton is about 40 mi/64 km    |
  |  Telephone (770) 479-4784     north of Altanta, Georgia USA  |
  |                                                              |
  | TBH Beekeeping Website: http://www.gsu.edu/~biojdsx/main.htm |