I just read this on Bob's Bee-line, and got a real kick out of it:
On Mon, 24 Feb 1997, MIDNITEBEE <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> >Greetings! Maine has confirmed its first Africanized bee" siting."
>> Was it wearing Long John's?
>1)AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! The spell checker must be re-installed.
>> >Another matter< - very recently, someone (here in New England I believe)
>> recently
>> mentionned that they supply bees for apitherapy purposes.
>Someone else should use THEIR spell checker!  What is this "mentionned?" Since
when did "mentioned" have two n's at the end?  Ha!  Of course, we could probably
call it a "typo."  Kathryn