Dave-in Indiana USA writes:
<What type of trees attract honey bees?
<I would appreciate it if you would use the common names of trees.
<I want to plant trees that attract the honey bee, but I cannot find many
<that do.
      Something that every new beekeeper should do is put a hive on a scale
and make a graph of weight per week throughout a season.  On the graph, the
beekeeper should also write down what is blooming.   This exercise is both
fun and enlightening.
      I have seen plans for mounting a hive so that the back half sits on a
bathroom-type scale.  Lucky people may find a doctor's office-type scale in
the trash and be able to mount a hive on the scale platform (then they can
measure the height, too!)
Tim Sterrett
Westtown, (Southeastern) Pennsylvania, USA
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