In a message dated 97-02-20 17:38:50 EST, [log in to unmask]
(George_Willy) writes:
<<        In Vermont here are some that I know of. Basswood, Maple, Red and
 Black Cherry, poplar, Sumac, yellow birch, beach. Thats just about all I
 know of. Sugar maple is the first provider of pollin followed by red then
 poplar then the rest. The Black Locust is rare around here but there some
 and the bees love them. >>
    Willow certainly could be added to the list for early pollen.  Wild
apples and hawthorn are common in many areas.  Suburban sites may have quite
a bit of catalpa and linden (European basswood).
   In the south we also have tupelo and red maple (swamps) and tulip poplar,
holly, many kinds of oak, carolina cherry, sourwood, redgum, sumac, titi, and
   Some of these are major sources, some minor.  A lot depends on the
quantity of trees.  If I had land, I'd plant vitex, as it blooms in the
mid-summer, when nectar sources are scarce.  Our major sources are spring
bloomers, with some in late summer and fall, after a period of dearth.
[log in to unmask]    Dave Green,  PO Box 1200,  Hemingway,  SC
29554        (Dave & Jan's Pollination Service,  Pot o'Gold Honey Co.)
Pollination for lay people, students, teachers
....Of bees, beekeepers, and food
Pollination for the pros - those involved in doing it:
Practical Pollination Home Page            Dave & Janice Green
Jan's Sweetness and Light         Varietal Honeys and Gift Sets