Hi to our Calif. counterparts,
The thought occurred to me, has anybody made ANY attempts to try to find any
'boxes' that may have snagged on rocks, culverts, trees, etc.? I would think
with the number reported swept away that more than a few would be left for
someone with a little time to take a walk along the rocks. Hobbyist level
guy like me would be more than appreciative of a few free boxes. Dovetail
joints are rather strong. They may even still have frames in them with
beeswax that could be harvested even if the honey/brood has been ruined.
Here in Tidewater we find some REALLY odd flotsam and jetsam from time
to time.  :-)
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... Contentsoftaglinemaysettleduringshipping.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20
... "I remember doing the time-warp..."
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20