Brian Tassey wrote:
> If you're still out there could you comment on requeening hives that are on
> pallets using cells during the fall honeyflow.  I remember you mentioning
> that you requeened this way with a success rate of about 75-80%.  I don't
> know if you're on pallets or not but I was thinking about giving this method
> a test this fall.  I'm wondering if there is going to be a high % queen loss
> just due to drifting, coming back from mating flights because of the pallets.
>  Any thoughts, anyone?
Hi Brian,
I have used this system for requeening a number of years and have got
results. The hives are on pallets, two on each pallet with about 200 mm
between them. Entrances facing same direction. I don't belive there is
difference when using pallets, if all other factors are equal. More
is the layout of the hives/pallets in the apiary. Not in a straight
line. Trees,
scrubs, stones etc for the queen to aim at when she returns from her
P-O Gustafsson, Sweden
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