In a message dated 97-01-04 10:04:29 EST, you write:
 With roundup reseeding can be done in 10 days to 2 weeks.  It might not be
 a bad idea to purchase some White Dutch clover seed &  keep them in your
 car.  When you are traveling your local roads and see a bare spot, throw
 some seed on in passing.  If this short clover can get a toehold,  it tends
 to choke out most everything else.  If the clover becomes dominant, there
 would be no need for further spraying and it would be great forage for both
 wild and domestic bees.
Funny I wonder how many guerilla bee forage planters are out there.
 I have salt shakers filled with seeds that go with me on dog walks.
white clover , birdsfoot trefoil, sweet clover, and anise hyssop