Dear Mike:
On New Year's Day, you posted a request for instructions for making "ear
I am fascinated.  As a woman, I wear ear rings (but then, so does my son -
just one, tho'), and I've heard of "ear wax" ( not to be confused with bees'
wax), and have owned "ear muffs" but this is a new one on me.  I'm fascinated
and am sure I'm not the only one.  Won't you please enlighten us Beefolk?
 I don't think that one can collect enough ear wax to make candles
(disgusting thought) and the idea of fitting candles to my ears is intriguing
but sounds dangerous.  The only other thought - candles in the shape of ears
- sounds a bit bizarre, but then each to his/her own taste.  I look forward
to hearing just what they are!
Faith Andrews Bedford
Ivy VA and Tampa FL