I have just sent off another reply  to a recovered allergy sufferer who has
found that honey has helped tremendously. I had  allergy problems with hay (
the real stuff) spring pollens, molds from the earliest part of my life that
I can remember.I was dragged from one doctor to another with no positive
lasting effect. I  had relief only as long as one dose of medicine lasted and
not always then. I moved from New  England to the Pacific in 1944 and
thereafter had asthma so badly that the base doctors wanted to ship me home,
there were days that I felt sure I would suffocate. That never happened and I
completed my Pacific tour in 1946. For many years thereafter I suffered badly
from asthma then to the 1980'sI found a good respiratory allergist who used
injections to increase my resistance.I had some noticable relief but no
ceasation. In 1990 I was introduced to beekeeping and thereafter ate a lot of
honey, and was frequently stung. Since then I have had no asthma but one
summer of terrible hyperventilation problems probably from nervous
conditions. The asthma has now not occured in 3 years.
I used to have a great deal of sinusitis or hayfever, and got it from a
number of sources,  the mold or pollen content of a spring fed lake where I
went regularly and still do. Everyone would say "What a terrible cold you
have" because my nose was so irritated. So embarassing.This too has simply
If only my mental condition would improve and my age decline all would be
well. So far no one has comeup with the fountain of youth so I'll just be
happy with improved health in the respiratory department.
Proof of honey as a allergy relief, I can not give, but there appears to be a
relation.Several of my friends are also having good experience with honey and
do not get stung as I do.