Per the topic of bee removal from supers:
I tried the "double triangle" bee escape boards (looks like an inner cover
with a screened triangle over the hole) last year and they worked great.
My wife likes to help with extracion and she was glad that not one single
bee came into the house with the honey supers.  I ordered a few more of
these escapes for this season.
My question for BEE-Lers is this:  Is it possible to make a couple
bucks from pollen collection?
I bought ten pollen traps that have the ability to be turned "on" and
"off", but I'm having trouble finding guidelines for management.  Should
they be "on" for three days and then "off" for three days?  What about
collection during spring vs. summer vs. fall?  Would sugar syrup feeding
help during pollen collection?  Do medication quidelines apply to pollen
(not during Apistan treatment, 30 days after last TM treatment, etc)?
Maybe you can't make money with pollen?  Any help would be appreciated.