On Thu, 18 Jul 1996 [log in to unmask] wrote:
>      Ian,
>         You are correct to recommend the use of gloves when handling
>      Apistan but not for the reason you suggest. Neither Apistan nor its
>      active ingredient, tau-fluvalinate are carcinogenic or "potentially
>      carcinogenic". Long-term stringent tests have proven this fact and is
>      one factor as to  why Apistan has been registered as a veterinary drug
>      in most countries.
>      The main reason for using gloves is that slight contact dermatitis is
>      not uncommon when handling any veterinary medicines or pesticides;
>      gloves can prevent skin irritation.
Well..as i said..i only heard the information about the alleged
carcinogenic properties of the drug.  And at one time DDT was sprayed
around with abandon..and i'm sure it was tested "stringently"...Ah
                          Ian Watson
                   [log in to unmask]