I passed along your grease pattie suggestion to a local BeeKeepers meeting
just last night. One old timer has been doing the same thing and I think he
seemed to be glad
to hear of someone else doing it.
I think that your approach to try something new on a hive or two to see how
it works out, makes sense to me. I find it difficult to understand why anyone
would trash or poo-poo someone's idea, especially with the high losses going
around. I was told last night that Massachusetts losses are running 75% and
Maine is running 90%!
I was asked to do a talk on "Bees In Cyberspace". Naturally I touted Bee-L
highly. I passed out a sheet on signing up for a Bee-L and included a couple
of sample messages-yours on grease patties was one of them.
Al Needham
Scituate, MA