Peter Gentile wrote:
> No computer virus can be transmitted through text files, only through executable
> files.  Yuo should never down load any unknow files ending in .exe, .bat or
> .com.
> Reading email is harmless.
Hi Pete,
You are correct in stating that reading email is harmless, and that virus' can not be transmitted via a text file.
However, they can be transmitted via other seemingless harmless files such as imbedding macros in a WORD document or in an EXCEL spreadsheet.
This has been tried already in a WORD document that I am aware of, and actually have a copy of.
It can also be transmitted via some Web browsers!!  Although the holes here are being closed fortunately.  If the item you are viewing is a
applett, it is actually code that is being executed on your machine.  Appletts by their very nature are powerful, this power however also
makes them potentially dangerous.  Many browsers are tightening up the holes here as to what access is allowed to the system by browsers and
activities run within the browsers.  So until next time our life becomes somewhat safer!
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