John Justin Spaulding III wrote:
> Massachusetts Federation of Beekeepers
> 1996 Spring Meeting
> &
> Friday Night Workshops
> Date: Saturday, March 16, 1996
> Time: Registration starts at 9:00 AM
> Place: Colonial Bed and Breakfast, 625 Betty Spring Road, Gardner, MA
> (508) 630-2500 or 800-484-1190 ext. 6240
> This will be an all day meeting
> Our featured speakers are:
> Oscar Coindreau of Zoecon, makers of the Apistan strips.
> Jack Aisley of the Cape Cod Cranberry Growers.
> Oscar Coindreau will bring us up to date on the Apistan strips and also
> talk about their use and misuse.
> Jack Aisley will describe the importance of pollination and beekeepers to
> cranberry growers.
> There will be commercial exhibits, a raffle and a silent auction to
> benefit the apiary extension service. You are asked to bring an item for
> the silent auction and are invited to bid on items.
> The luncheon buffet has a hearty selection of hot and cold items, soup,
> salad, and desserts. Lunch has been rated excellent by all who have
> attended in the past. There will also be morning coffee, juice and
> pastries.
> The hotel is offering a special rate for overnight stays. To stay over
> Friday night the cost is $59 plus tax per couple or $45 plus tax for
> single. This includes a double room for the night, dinner (less alcoholic
> beverages and desserts), and breakfast the next morning. Please call the
> hotel to reserve this rate at least a month before the meeting (they do
> book up completely).
> There will be a wax working workshop on Friday night. There is no
> additional fee for this workshop, but preregistration is requested.
> Registration at the door, for the Spring meeting, will be more expensive
> and may be limited. Please send the form below with a check payable to
> the MFBA by March 2, 1996 to:
>  Ted Shylovsky,
>  192 Boston Post Road,
> Sudbury, MA 01776-3102.
>  Phone is 617-860-3341 (work), or 508-443-7195 (home). Sorry, no refunds.
> Number attending @$18 @$8 Total $
> $18 for Program and Lunch per person. $8 for Program Registration and
> Morning Coffee Only per person.Good afternoon,
I'm a veterinarinan of Quebec Canada.
I can't go to this meeting but I would like to receive the information
about Apistan given by M. Oscar Coindreau. Is this possible ?
Thank you very much
France Desjardins
Direction des normes et des programmes
Ministhre de l'Agriculture, des Pjcheries et de l'Alimentation du Quibec
200 Chemin Sainte-Foy 11 e itage
Quibec (Quibec) G1R 4X6
Til.: 1-418-644-3122
Fax: 1-418-644-3049
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