Again, I find an article advertisement in our local beekeepers newsletter
touting the product "Mite Solution".
This time there are some details:  it contains petroleum jelly, some
"NATURAL BOTANICAL EXTRACT" , and is applied on mouse guards or queen
excluders.  It has a US patent pending number.  Pest control inferences are
primarily for tracheal mites and varroa mites (featured at the top of the
flier).  In the body of the text claims for reductions of chalk brood, EFB,
AFB, and nosema are made, as the product is purportedly a "natural fungicide
and antiseptic".  Testimonials are included, but the
manufacturer/distributor claims it can't be registered as a "miticide" until
$2,274,500 (US) in registration fees are paid.
Is there >anything< to back up this product or is it a total scam?
Whitney Cranshaw
Department of Entomology
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO   80523
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