>    If a grease patty works against tracheal mites by greasing or oiling
>a bee's body, has anyone tried spraying cooking & baking oil (PAM is one
YUCKeeee!!! Come on you guys this is getting beyond a joke. Why not throw in
the kitchen sink while your at it? All this mucking about to save the cost
of requeening.
I've noticed this about bee keepers, they'll waste $500 worth of time to
save $5 cash.
A requeen will cost $11US is it worth all the trouble? Also, think of the
cost of losing a hive if your ideas don't work!!
   * David J. Eyre CEO    9, Progress Drive, Unit 2,     *
   * The Beeworks        Orillia, Ont, Canada, L3V 6H1 *
   * [log in to unmask]    (705) 326 7171           *
   * http.//www.muskoka.net/~beeworks                     *