What is Spam?  I thought it was bad tasting tinned ham.
Someone recently claimed that after having kept one colony for one year,
they considered themselves experienced.  Wow.  I'm impressed.  With between
2 and 5 colonies over the past five years, I still feel like I know so little.
I united two weaker colonies several weaks ago (it is getting into late fall
here).  now, I have four supers with honey stores all over the place.  Can I
just wrap 'em up in tar paper and hope for the best (it gets down to 30 or
40 below here) or should I open them up, and fiddle around with them to try
to reduce the colony down to 2 supers?
Should I also plop down a few scoops full of cristallized honey from last
year into an empty super above the others??
Looking forwar to some inspiring suggestions.
Marc Patry
Near Ottawa, Ontario.